Hideout TV

2 Ways To Make Money On Hideout TV

Unlike any other platform on the internet. You can earn cash for videos you watch and videos you create and upload to Hideout Tv as a content creator.

1. Watching Videos
By no means will you get rich by watching videos but Hideout Tv to me is the last legitimate platform that you can actually earn cash just from watching videos online.

You earn reward points for watching videos in which ads will play before and/or while a video is playing. How many reward points you earn depends on how you are engaged with Hideout Tv while videos and ads are running.
For example:
If you are on a desktop computer and the videos aren't 100% visible or you just let videos play without any engagement you will only earn 2.5 coins when you are rewarded, otherwise you will earn 3.3 coins.

Redeeming Your Points
Another thing i really like about Hideout Tv is that you can redeemΒ  your points for gift cards, bitcoin or PayPal cash.Β 
2. Uploading Videos As A Content Creator

Youtube isn’t the only platform content creators can monetize there videos on. Hideouttv is growing. I am constantly seeing creators on Hideout Tv with 5 times more views then there videos on youtube.

With just 75 subscribers you can apply to be a content creator on Hideout TV.

If you already create content for Youtube, Hideout TV can be a great source to earn more revenue and to expand your network.

Hideout TV is still growing so get onboard now before it becomes such a mountain to climb just to get any veiws.

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